Thursday, August 20, 2009

I hope this day gets better

This day actually started last night, when I left the birthday present I had just bought for Robyn at a dive bar in Williamsburg. When I called them to see if anyone had turned it in, they told me they were slammed and to come back to look for it. Of course I was a G train ride and a longish walk away, in my pj's and already up way past my bedtime. As I started to ask the guy at the bar to to just take a quick peek under the middle table in the back room I heard the phone slam into the cradle (a sound you rarely hear these days,) and then silence. Awesome. Thanks so much for caring, dude.

So I'm pretty sure some hipster idiot went home with my newly purchased and gift-wrapped items that I was going to send out to Portland today from work.

This morning, right after I missed my train because the people getting off were clogging the turnstiles, I started reading my twitter stream and accidentally (stupid, stupid!!) read a spoiler for the Top Chef Masters season finale that I didn't watch last night. Poop.

On the positive side, I had a dream last night that I won $12,000 in the lottery. Maybe it's a premonition?

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