Friday, May 12, 2006

Working girl

I'm beat. I've had the never ending cold to beat all colds. I've been sick for 2 solid weeks and finally tomorrow I'm going to see a doctor because my cough, wheezing and sore throat are getting worse instead of better. I am so sick of being sick. (I think Riff might be sick of it, too.)

This week I assisted in a really cool loft near the Empire State Building. Here's the view from the fire escape:

And here's what you see when you look down:

The photographer and his digital assistant had flown in from London to shoot for a company that makes bows and hair clips for little girls. The campaign was to shoot girls doing mischievous things like writing with crayon on a wall or stealing a cupcake while mom's back is turned (all with bows in their hair, of course.) The girls were all terribly cute and we had a lot of fun goofing off.

I might just steal a cupcake for myself...

Today I worked a temp assignment in the Empire State Building. It was weird. I'll write more about it soon. When I'm feeling better.

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